I'm not aware of any that are of the detail available for Exchange 2007 - at 
least not yet.

I can tell you that my "wave the hands" configuration for that many users, 
knowing absolutely nothing about your environment, and NOT including site 
resilience but including local HA, would be:

2 HT
3 MB

You can buy servers "big" enough to handle each role for all those users, so a 
1/1/1 is possible; but that would leave you exposed in case of any failure.

You should probably start with the mailbox calculator and go from there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ellis, John P. [mailto:johnel...@wirral.gov.uk] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:02 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Exchange 2010 sizing guide

Is there such thing as an Exchange 2010 sizing guide? Currently we are using 
Exchange 2003 and im trying to size the servers Currently we have about 4300 
users and this will probably grow to 5500.


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