I'll let others weigh in on the "Should I" part of the question. In my 
experience, that's usually more a matter of office politics and clout than good 
IT practice.

As to the how, I've never been happy with the solutions offered. As far as I 
know the shell is the only place to whitelist. The syntax is easily typoed and 
your entire list can be deleted with a bad entry.

The best solution I have is a script that recreates the whitelist each time it 
is run. I can't claim original authorship and I forgotten where I got it, but 
it's worked for me. Since the script recreates the list each time, removing an 
entry from the script removes them from the running whitelist.  I keep backup 
copies of the script, so if I make a mistake, I can quickly run the earlier 
script and fix it.


$list.BypassedSenderDomains ="customer1.com"
$list.BypassedSenderDomains +="customer2.com"
$list.BypassedSenderDomains +="vendor1.com"

$list.BypassedSenders ="tinycusto...@aol.com"
$list.BypassedSenders +="wannabecusto...@aol.com"
$list.BypassedSenders +="execw...@aol.com"

$list | set-ContentFilterConfig


You'll need to change the BypassedSenderDomains and BypassedSenders to your 
needs. Watch the plus signs an entry without a + starts the list. Entries with 
plusses add to the list. Copy the lines with the plusses to add to the list.

"BypassedSenderDomains" whitelists the entire domain, "BypassedSenders" 
whitelists a single email address.

The last portion of the script prints the whitelist to the screen, so you 
should see your results there.

Hope this helps,

From: Holstrom, Don [mailto:dholst...@nbm.org]
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 9:08 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: whitelisting sites

This is not something I enjoy doing, but I have been asked to white list:  
bisnow.com; icontact.com; and icpbounce.com. One of our internal people said he 
is now not receiving any Bisnow newsletters, and he wants to. The last of the 
three sites does not come up on my IE8.

Is this something I should do? And if so, what is the best way? I am using 
Exchange 2007.

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