If you want recommendations of consultants who do this kinda stuff, I can 
probably find you a name or two. :-)

If you want software for this, I'd be looking at Quest's toolsets.

But I've never done it (and I'm guessing Martin and Neil - the other two 
Exchange MVPs that hang around here - haven't either) and can't provide any 
great advice.


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Humphries [mailto:nt...@hedgedigger.com] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 10:17 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: lotus notes connector

ok, so I guess the crickets mean I'll be a trailblazer with this, huh?


Bill Humphries wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm hoping to get some feedback from anyone with any experience doing 
> something similar to this:
> We have one client with single exchange 2003 server in an AD 2003 
> environment.  They have a parent company that uses Notes.  Of course 
> everyone wants to be able to see calendars, free/busy etc between 
> organizations.  We have a VPN up between the two networks.  We want to 
> do this because we don't want to give up exchange and the parent 
> company is not going to go away from notes.
> Has anyone done this where they are happy with the results?  Any big 
> gotchas to look out for?
> Thanks for any insight.
> Bill

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