There is no such thing as CAS-to-FE proxying.

However, you can configure the CAS to redirect the user to the Exchange 2003 

Typically, you will do something like this:

Set-OWAVirtualDirectory CAS2008\OWA* `

-Exchange2003URL "";

And the Exchange 2003 server will have the 2010 SAN certificate loaded which 
includes This does necessitate that you have TWO external 
IP addresses.

You configure redirection the same as you did in Exchange 2003 and/or Exchange 
2007 - you put a redirection script in the root of the website, whether it's 
ASP, ASPX, Perl, or whatever.

I cover this in the May 2010 cover article of WindowsITPro. :)


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

From: John Bowles []
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 11:12 AM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Configureing OWA 2K10 in Coexistence


I'm setting up an server with all the roles on one server.  Currently the 
client is using to access their webmail externally 
to their E2K3 box.  What I want to do is use that same name on the E2K10 CAS 
server and have E2K10 handle all OWA request for both servers (e2k10, e2k3).  
What I'm unsure of is how do I setup redirection so users won't have to type 

Thank you,

John Bowles

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