Auto-archive uses a "last modified" date. If she recently moved the
emails... they will not be captured during archiving if their modify
date is newer than the date requested to be archived.

There are some third-party fixes to edit the "last modified" date.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Gurtz [] 
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 3:46 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: [MARKETING] Auto-deleting

> I have a user that's attempting to permanently delete emails over 3
> months old in a single Outlook folder using the auto-archive
> functionality. Nothing is being deleted. I've checked her OL
> configuration and it seems correct, but I've never used the feature.
> Any common reasons why emails might not delete?

Auto-archive uses the "modified" date (no it isn't listed in commonly
fields in the field chooser).

Something about how importing from a pst resets the modified date to; Yes, it's a mis-feature (no matter what that Outlook
MVP says!).

Check that out, I think there might be other common reasons too, but
are coming to mind right now.  If you google outlook auto archive
date you'll probably find stuff.

Have a nice W.E. everybody :)


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