That's how I did it, but I didn't have to pay. It was free.


From: Bill Humphries [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 12:21 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Re: OT - BES upgrade


They don't really publicize it, but RIM has a migration plan you can
purchase.  I think it costs $700, which I was willing to pay for the comfort
, peace of mind and convenience.  It basically allows you to have a second
SRP ID and your new server and old server both connected to the BB network
for 90 days.  With this and the free BES migration tools, I simply setup my
new server and moved users from the old system to the new one at my leisure.
No moving databases, knife edge cut-overs or other silliness.  The migration
was easy, with no downtime for users.

The only effect the migration had on users was each BB was restarted
remotely one time when I moved the specific user the new server.


Tammy George wrote: 

Looking for any offers of advice or suggestions - 


I will be upgrading our BES server from 4.1 to 5.0 in preparation for our
Exchange upgrade from 2003 to 2010.  I have *no* experience with BES so I
need to familiarize myself with it first and go from there.   Lots to learn!


Just wondering if anyone is familiar with useful lists or forums?  Is the
process straightforward or complex?


If there's anything at all that you'd be willing to share to get me started,
it would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance.




Tammy George

Sr. Systems Operator

Technology Services

Acadia University

tel: (902) 585-1158

fax: (902) 585-1066



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