Server side rule?  Also setup a contact in AD with a autoforward to their
home email.  I do that for execs too.

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Glen Johnson <> wrote:

>  Sent this earlier and it didn’t appear to get to the list, so apologies
> if it is a duplicate.
> We’ve got two people that are retiring on July 1.
> Our president and VP.
> Both would like to have an automated reply sent to anyone that emails them.
> The reply would say, xxx has retired, if this is a personal email, xxx can
> be contacted at  If it is work related, his replacement
> may be contacted at
> On our exchange 2003 server, we’ve disabled auto replies to the internet.
> Any way we can enable that for only those two people?

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