
I've run into a question I can't answer. I have a user that used to receive 
NDRs with the original email attached. Sometime back in August this changed, 
but I for the life of me have no idea what or if any changes were made that 
could affect this. I'm not sure if this is a setting on the receiving Domino 
box, or on our Exchange server?

The message is sent from an application with a "custom mailbox" reply address. 
When the email is received at the other end, if there isn't a name in the 
Domino Directory, the appropriate bounce message is sent and received by the 
"custom mailbox". Previously it had the original email as an attachment, a 
disclaimer text file and a ATT00001 file. Now, is just the bounce message 
without attachments.

Our setup:
Exchange 2007
Outlook 2007
OWA doesn't show attachment

Receiving company is using Domino and Postini.

I hope I've covered all necessary information. I have not been able to find 
anything on the web about this particular situation.



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