Riddle me this:

Added three additional mailboxes to Outlook 2010 to assist HR with something.
Later, removed those three mailboxes from the profile.
Next day, noticed they still show up on the left under my list of mailboxes.
Check additional mailbox tab in the profile, not there.
Right-click to close, and get a notice saying to remove from the profile.
Go back to the profile, they don't appear as additional mailboxes, nothing to 
Make new profile, they're still there.
Go to new computer with Outlook 2010 and log in for the first time, make new 
profile, and they as still there as well.

It appears the server side is somehow making these mailboxes always show up in 
my list. Anyone know why? They don't show up in OWA or Outlook 2007, so I'm 
guessing it's an Exchange/Outlook 2010 feature? Thanks

Outlook 2010/Exchange 2010 SP1/Win7 32bit.


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