On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Steve Hanna <sha...@fleet.ca> wrote:
> +1 Arguably he played a much more important role in the advancement
> of technology than that of Mr. Jobs ...

  Indeed.  (Co)creator of both C and Unix.  To put that in perspective:

* C/C++ remains one of the most common, if not *the* most common,
programming language
* Most of Win NT is written in C or C++
* Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, C# and countless other languages are
modeled on C/C++
* Unix introduced the idea of a "portable operating system" -- an OS
not tied to one platform or manufacturer
* Unix gave us command-line pipelines
* Linux and the various BSDs are all clones of Unix
* MacOS X and iOS (iPhone/iPad) both run a Unix clone under the covers
(BSD derived)
* Android devices also run a Unix clone under the covers (Linux derived)

  You would be hard pressed to find a computer today that isn't
heavily influenced by dmr's work.

-- Ben

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