I'm using an extended variation of Tony F's brilliant "personalities" configuration (http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/~fanf2/hermes/doc/talks/2005-02-eximconf/ ) with a plain text file like the following defining IP addresses and ports, and their respective associated "personalities": name=local acl=local name=mx.example.com acl=mx name=relay.example.com acl=submit

This works fine, but I'd like to get the unique IP addresses listed in this file into a local_interfaces option. In the above example I would like a local_interfaces option which expands as follows:

local_interfaces = :

Unfortunately parsing this file in an Exim string expansion is beyond me and so my best solution is to parse it via an external script into a more usable format. Can any string-expansion-experts suggest any alternatives that don't involve an extra file?


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