I would be already glad, if my Exim rules would work.

Today I received again an 1,3 MB message with Lottery spam.
In the body is clearly to be seen "ONLINE LOTTERY DEPARTMENT".

I am unsing this rule:

#!!# ACL that is used after the DATA command
   deny senders = /etc/exim4/blockeddoms

   discard message = "Loteria in message body"
       !senders   = :
condition = ${if match {${lc:$message_body}} {loteria|lottery}{yes}{no}}

What if wrong? Why did I receive this spam?


Am 2017-09-01 23:04, schrieb Ian Zimmerman:
On 2017-09-01 21:49, Paul Lenz wrote:

It seems to me, that using SpamAssassin is like shooting with guns
against flies. I wrote my own SpamAssassin plugin which detects a big
lot of spam, but actually I would be glad if I would not need
SpamAssassin to run my plugin. I would say, 80% of all spam is rather
easy to detect, and a small fast program could do it as well. Only the
rest of 20% should be checked by SpamAssassin using Spamhaus block
lists and other tricky stuff.

spamhaus is one of the least tricky methods, and easy to do without
spamassassin.  Search the exim spec for 'dnslists'.

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