On Tuesday, 25 September 2018 10:28:42 AM AEST Odhiambo Washington via 
> Hi everyone,
> I have multiple domains hosted on the same server. They are virtual
> domains. The server has just one IP address and one Exim instance.
> I am wondering how to easily do DKIM signing for these domains. I decided
> to use the same selector for all the domains to make life easy. Would the
> following transport work? If not, what is the best way to do this for
> multiple domains sharing the same IP address?
> remote_smtp_DK:
>   driver = smtp
>   dkim_domain = ${sender_address_domain}
>   dkim_selector = csl
>   dkim_private_key =
> "/etc/pki/tls/dk/${sender_address_domain}-dkim.priv.key"
>   dkim_canon = relaxed
>   dkim_strict = true
I use dkim_domain = ${filter{${map{${addresses:$h_from:}}{${domain:$item}}}}
which will match any addresses in a from field that are local, in addition if 
dkim_domain is a 
list it will sign with multiple signatures (e.g. From: <user1@local1>, 
<user3@remote> will add dkim signature for local1 and local2 domains.

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