Nospam2k via Exim-users <> (Mi 16 Okt 2019 19:25:05 CEST):
> Ok, so. In order to simplify. Let’s say I have several domains being hosted 
> by a server called <> providing 
> dovecot/exim as the mail servers. I want to be able to use each domain name 
> as the name of the mail server, ex. for host 
> <> I want to use 
> <> for the mail server names and not 
> <> for the end user.

While understanding the idea behind, I'd like to repeat myself: you're
asking for PITA - given the level of experience and familiarity with the
products and protocols you're going to use.

> When I use Mac Mail and try to create an account, I get a “Mail cannot verify 
> the identity of the server” because the certificate is for 
> <> (I’m not sure why that is even being served as I’ve 
> removed all instances of TLS from the exim.conf).

Probably because recent versions of Exim default to advertise TLS to all
hosts and generate a self signed certificate on demand.

> So, how do I configure exim so mail can still be accessed via tls and an 
> account can be created without any complaints about certificates from Apple 
> Mail?

I'm quite sure that there are other means of informing the Apple Mail
client about the server names it has to use. (DNS (SRV?) records, a magic
provider database, …)

> NOTE: I’m assuming this is related to exim because if I set tls_certificate 
> to point to a certificate for 
> <>, Apple Mail will create an account with no 
> complaint.

Then -- you got the information you need. Start using it.
And you got the warnings :)

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
-- ---------------------------- internet & unix support -
 Heiko Schlittermann, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) - {fon,fax}: +49.351.802998{1,3} -
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