I create a router in exim 4.92.2 to move all message that contain an header 
added by Rspamd.

EXIM Route:

driver = accept
condition = "${if {def:$h_ Symbol:}{(?i)MSGID_MKT_DOMAIN_BLK2}{yes} {no}}"
domains = lsearch;/opt/exim/userdomains
transport = virtual_user_delivery_prom

Here's an example of the headers:

X-Spam-Bar: +++++++
X-Spam-Report: Action: no action
 Symbol: HAS_REPLYTO(0.00)
 Symbol: BAYES_SPAM(0.35)
 Symbol: R_SPF_ALLOW(-0.20)
 Symbol: RCVD_IN_DNSBL_JKM(0.00)
 Symbol: TO_DN_NONE(0.00)
 Symbol: URI_COUNT_ODD(1.00)
 Symbol: DKIM_TRACE(0.00)
 Symbol: MX_GOOD(0.00)
 Symbol: SUBJ_EXCESS_QP(1.20)
 Symbol: FORGED_SENDER(0.30)
 Symbol: RCVD_TLS_LAST(0.00)
 Symbol: MIME_TRACE(0.00)
 Symbol: ASN(0.00)
 Symbol: FROM_NEQ_ENVFROM(0.00)
 Symbol: R_MIXED_CHARSET(0.58)
 Symbol: ARC_NA(0.00)
 Symbol: MSGID_MKT_DOMAIN_BLK2(5.00)

Rspamd adds to the headers as a space or tabulation in the string "Symbol:".

With the following condition I am trying to find the Symbol header but it 
doesn't work for me:

condition = "${if match{def:$h_ Symbol:}{(?i)MSGID_MKT_DOMAIN_BLK2}{yes} {no}}"

The problem occurs because there are spaces in the spam report.

Any ideas?

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