On 29/07/2021 19:51, Odhiambo Washington via Exim-users wrote:
What should I do to replicate what he's doing?

Enable setuid coredumps (NOTE: not recommended for longterm
use.  Core files will contain credentials and personally-identifying
information.  Leaving them lying around will eventually result in
a leak).

Build exim without compiler optimisation ( -O0 ) and with debugger
symbols (for clang: -ggdb, -glldb, -gsce, -gdbx  depending on your debugger ).

clang docs:   https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html

Run until you get a coredump.  Get the stacktrace from that.

Actually, Matthew, would you like me to give you access to my FreeBSD 13,
so that you can try and reproduce this?

If between you you can work up a repeat-by that I can run myself,
we have hope.

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