On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 03:24:56PM +0300, Odhiambo Washington via Exim-users 
> 1. I have 2 private keys - dkim.priv.key and dkim_ed25519.priv.key
> 2. I have published a DNS record for key1._domainkey.example.com for the
> RSA, and key2._domainkey.example.com for the ED25519 keys respectively
> Any easier way to integrate that into my transport?

 Documentation states:

|  dkim_selector        Use: smtp       Type: string list†      Default: unset
|  This sets the key selector string. After expansion, which can use
|  $dkim_domain, this can be a list. Each element in turn is put in the
|  expansion variable $dkim_selector which may be used in the
|  dkim_private_key option along with $dkim_domain.

 Does the assignment dkim_selector="key1:key2" work?
 Eugene Berdnikov

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