Am 25.05.22 um 17:20 schrieb Evgeniy Berdnikov via Exim-users:
On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 08:38:32AM -0600, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC via 
Exim-users wrote:
What is the best strategy to combat and right out reject mail that
has the from: and the recipient address the same?  Or alternately to
force things like SPF checking against the from: in addition to the
envelope-sender?  (Not sure if that is a good idea — will it mess up
legit email from mail processors etc )
  Such a mail may be a test message that user sent to its own address.
  So blind comparison of From: and To: is not a good idea, especially taking
  into accout that To: can contain several destination addresses and
  may be used as Cc: field to keep own copy of outgoing mail.

  Take a look at DMARC.
but, a valid user would use SMTP-Auth which the spammer won't use.

so the test:  ( From == To || From in To || From in CC )  && SMTP-AUTH==FALSE  would be a valid methode IMHO.

It ofcourse requires the use of amtp-auth, but that should be enabled anyway or the server will become or is an open relay for anyone.

best regards,

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