Hi Olaf,

I had a similar problem several years ago, but had to ensure TLS in and TLS out to potentially hundreds of domains so implemented in in our mail relay servers using a MySQL database:

CREATE TABLE `tls_force_remote_domains` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `domain` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `description` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `domain` (`domain`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT='Domains for which TLS must be used for sending and receiving email'

and domain_lists:

TLS_FORCE_REMOTE_DOMAINS = SELECT domain FROM tls_force_remote_domains WHERE active=1; domainlist tls_force_remote_domains = ${lookup mysql{TLS_FORCE_REMOTE_DOMAINS}{${sg{$value}{\\n}{ : }} }}

TLS_FORCE_LOCAL_DOMAINS = SELECT domain FROM domains WHERE active=1 AND force_tls=1; domainlist tls_force_local_domains = ${lookup mysql{TLS_FORCE_LOCAL_DOMAINS}{${sg{$value}{\\n}{ : }} }}

I put this snippet at the bottom of acl_check_mail:

        # TLS during MAIL command

        # first, log the connection status
        warn    log_message = MAIL: TLS-STATUS Sender domain=$sender_address_domain Host=$sender_fullhost using TLS cipher=$tls_in_cipher
                encrypted = *

        warn    log_message = MAIL: TLS-STATUS Sender domain=$sender_address_domain Host=$sender_fullhost NOT using TLS
                ! encrypted = *

        # second, log if a specific sender domain is in force TLS list
        warn    log_message = MAIL: TLS-REQUIRED Domain $sender_address_domain requires a TLS connection
                sender_domains = +tls_force_remote_domains

        # next, accept all MAIL commands for which the connection is encrypted with TLS
        accept  log_message = MAIL: TLS-ACCEPT encrypted session - cipher=$tls_in_cipher
                encrypted = *

        # now, check for domains that must use TLS and might not be - in
        # which case we should reject
        deny    log_message = MAIL: TLS-REJECT mail from domain $sender_address_domain requires a TLS connection
                message = TLS encryption required for mail from this domain
                sender_domains = +tls_force_remote_domains
                ! encrypted = *

        # finally, accept everything else without TLS
        accept  log_message = MAIL: NON-TLS-ACCEPT Accept unencrypted email from: $sender_address host: $sender_fullhost

and made this my last-but-one router:

# if the destination domain is in the tls_force_remote_domains list then set
# the transport to remote_smtp_force_tls to force the selection of TLS
        driver = dnslookup
        domains = +tls_force_remote_domains
        transport = remote_smtp_force_tls


# if we fall through to here then we're not forcing TLS on a listed domain,
# so do a normal delivery for all non-local domains. This may still use TLS
# if advertised but its not forced.
        driver = dnslookup
        domains = ! +local_domains
        transport = remote_smtp
        ignore_target_hosts = :

and then this in my transports:

# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections
# where TLS is optional (not forced), so no hosts require TLS (but it may be
# negotiated if the far end advertises STARTTLS) and no cipher suite is
# specified.
  driver = smtp

# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections
# where TLS is mandatory (forced) with high cipher strength.  NB. this
# transport is selected based on the destination domain, so the hosts that
# at this point the host(s) that require TLS are 'any' (wildcard) because we
# don't care who we're talking to it must use TLS.
  driver = smtp
  hosts_require_tls = *
  hosts_try_fastopen = !*.l.google.com
  tls_require_ciphers = HIGH:!SRP:!PSK:!SHA:@STRENGTH

My approach is a bit long-winded and not condensed as you ask, but it lets me control forced TLS in either direction (if I want to) with only a minor tweek and I don't case too much about what is under the hood as I simply add or remove domains to/from the "tls_force_remote_domains" MySQL table and Exim and this config takes care of it.


On 23/03/2023 15:30, Olaf Hopp (SCC) via Exim-users wrote:
for legal reasons I have a list of domains, where I *must* send via TLS
Currently, I have two routers and transports:

    domains: +domainlist-with-TLS-Domains
    transport: tlssmtp
    domains: *
    transport: smtp

    hosts_require_tls = *
    driver = smtp
    driver smtp

in reality two routers and transports are much more complicated but almost
identical. The same is true for the transports.

Is it somehow possible to consolidate this into one router and one transport
and lets have in the transport "something like"

 domains_require_tls = +domainlist-with-TLS-Domains

I now that this option does not exist, but is it possible to configure
one router and one transport that act like that ?

Regards, Olaf

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