On Thu, 30 Mar 2023, Peter via Exim-users wrote:


Debian 11 here with exim4 4.94.2-7.

On the localhost, the MUA needs a non-encrypted
connection on port 25 to exim.

Exim to remote smarthost is TLS-on-connect with AUTH
PLAIN. The connection was verified with this command.
$ openssl s_client -crlf -connect mail.easthope.ca:465

How should this be configured?

Ah. I have finally got my head around what you are attempting to do.

If you need exim to send mail to port 465 on the "smarthost" you
cannot just tell it to send the mail ... that would go to port 25
(and use starttls). You need exim to pretend to be an MUA/MSA.

I'm not sure anyone else in the discussion has taken in that point, so
I'm sending this now, while I reead the spec and consider how it might
be done, though my first thought is that you need a transport especially
for this host with options to force the connection to port 465 and

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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