> I tried replacing my Redhat 5.2 workstation install with a Linux Mandrake
> installation yesterday.  Everything went smoothly, but now when I launch X,
> my screen has black vertical lines going through it at the gray startup
> screen and when KDE et al starts up, everything is very fuzzy, as if every
> other pixel is missing.
> I have a Matrox Millenium I with 4 megs of RAM that was working perfectly
> under Redhat 5.2.
> Are there any caveats for moving from RH 5.2 to Linux Mandrake, XFree-wise?

My upgrades and reinstalls have been fine, and I have the same graphics card
as you. If you upgraded, is there a backup of /etc/XFconfig, or

If not, as root, run /usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator to create a new XFconfig


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