Stephen Anderson wrote:
> On 15 Feb 99, at 17:59, Jacques Le Marois wrote:
> > The difference between both are KDE 1.1 final instead of KDE 1.1pré
> > version. It's fix few bugs.
> Thanks!  Should I trash the previous installation and reinstall from
> scratch?  Or is there an easy way to simply update the changed
> packages?  If KDE 1.1 final fixes a few bugs, thats what I need to
> demo.  I'm really excited about the possibility of my superiors
> endorsing Linux for use in our corporation and I don't want any
> mistakes to jeopardize their first impression.  Thanks again!
> Steve

I guess if you just download KDE1.1 from the Mandrake FTP mirror and do
a rpm -Uvh KDE*.rpm should work.
One of the bug seems to be the screensave passord locked.

However for the futur installation i advice you to download the fresh


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