Bob Tito wrote:
> On Sun, 07 Mar 1999, you wrote:
> > I tried Window Maker, and it overwrote my /root/.initrc file, so the
> > default is now Window Maker.  I'd like to get my KDE  back, but don't
> > know how.
> >
> > How should the .initrc file look to launch KDE ?
> >
> > Thanks;
> > Lawrence Sayre
> Lawrence
> /opt/kde/bin/usekde should do the trick,
> Or (as root) usekde 'user-id'
> Regards, Bob
> --
> Linux Mandrake release 5.3 (Festen) & kernel 2.0.36
> Online as bob on my i686 which was to ^#!&^% Expensive ;-) ,
> 7:02pm up 6:25, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> And doing NOTHING as You can see!

This worked!

Thank you,
Lawrence Sayre

"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival!"
(a quote from the famous 'John Galt'  speech 
in the equally famous book "Atlas Shrugged")

Lawrence Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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