Just updated on our pages :-)

How to get your modules working?

Maybe your modules won't work. Try this:

    cd /lib/modules 
    ln -sf 2.2.3-1 preferred 
    depmod -a 
    modprobe -a 

Steve Anderson wrote:
> I also did a clean install, and had the same results.
> The lib/modules/2.2.3 didn't have a modules.dep,
> so modules dependencies couldn't be found and the
> 2.2.3 kernel wouldn't boot.
> Well, I decided to try the modules.dep from 2.0.36.
> The 2.2.3 kernel would boot, however I couldn't
> initialize eth0. Eth0 is my connection to the internet
> and uses dhcp.
> I thought maybe I could do a make modules for the 2.2.3
> kernel, of course that didn't work.
> So I thought maybe I could make my own kernel.
> Well, when I got to the make boot, it failed.
> Something about unreferenced pointers to fbcon.
> I think that is a option under video.
> So I did another make xconfig with a No to video
> for linux. The make boot still failed.
> So I am on my backup Mandrake.
> Any ideas:)
> Steve
> Steve

< Gael DUVAL - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://linuxmandrake.com > 
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