On Mon, 05 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 05 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > My Kppp still doesn't works after the upgrade to 2.2.3-ac4-4..It dont
> > hear the sound of my modem..Tom, any ideas? Others?
> I Had the same problem, Seems to be something in the 2.2.3-X kernel, I could
> go into minicom and I would get all the key I typed except for a CR + LF,
> back from the modem, but I could never get the OK response. after patching
> the Kernel up to 2.2.5 and recompiling, the modem worked great.  I did not
> make any other changes other than the kernel...
> >
> > Thanks
> > Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> >
> Gene Reeves

Hm, I can see nothing from the changelog of 2.2.5 that looks like it is
adressing this problem. Well, that's living on the bleeding edge ;-).
Maybe he should try it the old-fashioned way via ppp-up.local asf. That's
how I found out. He may also try to contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] who reported this modem to be working on 


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