On Die, 06 Apr 1999, you wrote: / Am Die, 06 Apr 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > [snip] 
> > Yep, it sucks. <RANT> "The Network OS", pah! Let's face it: either the
> > readers are crappy, or occult to use, or both... I am sick of keeping up a
> > whole WinNT installation just to run Agent32 (yes, I *have* tried
> > WinE).</RANT> BTW: no, I don't want to start a newsreader war here :).
> Maybe you meant the Network Server OS?  :)
> I'll grant you that news readers on Linux suck, and suck bigtime.  You
> know they suck when Netscape News IS your news client.  I just haven't
> been able to find anything else that works the way I want it to (inline
> images, next/prev buttons, decent speed and interface).  For CLI, I tend
> to stick with slrn since it's pretty fast over my dialup line.

Give news peruser a try. Still has some bugs, but seems to
be quite promising (at least it works without hangs and crashes...).
Well, guess it's still a long way to go for Linux to make it on the
desktop. An offline, agent-like newsreader is by no means an exotic need
and the Usenet isn't an utopia to Linux. There is a dozen of at
least acceptible graphical nr's for Redmond. If I would make a list of
nr's I tried so far in Linux, there is also a dozen. But they all suck,
with krn being the worst by far (that 'app' should really be relegated to
the 'non-beta' module. It's a nerve!). But I think we are drifting OT
here...(would be another nice newsgroup, though:
linux.recovery.newsreaders ;-) 

> > > The ld.so manpage says that both /lib and /usr/lib are included
> > > automatically.  /etc/ld.so.conf just lists the "extra" library
> > > directories installed on your system.
> > >
> > 
> > Ok, I admit, that was a dumb one ;-)
> Like a fat, juicy fastball over the center of the plate!  Thanks!

You are welcome *grin*.

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum." (Finagle's Law)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.

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