On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> Tom Berger wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 03 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Mon, 03 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> > > I just saw this release in comp.os.linux.announce and thought people
> > > might be interested.  If you haven't bought the Mandrake PowerPack or
> > > GPL distribution yet, now might be a good time!  Circadian is offering a
> > > free upgrade to Mandrake v6 when it's released (they say mid-May).
> > >
> > >       http://www.ccsoft.cc/software/linux/6now.html
> > >
> > > --
> > > Steve Philp
> > 
> > Hmrg,
> > I can't help being more and more annoyed by Mandrake's announcement policy
> > (or better: it's non-existence). This is Linux, it's us, not some dumb
> > user flock like MS-customership. Debian looks more promising every day...
> > BTW: this seems to become a common attitude. Did someone here noticed the
> > hassle about KDE 1.1.1 in the last week? They announced the release
> > in freshmeat on Tue, but withdraw the release the next day from the
> > servers. No word about that on the KDE news page. GNOME isn't better. I am
> > still waiting for an apology on their web site for their crappy '1.0'
> > release.
> Oh!  And check http://linuxtoday.com.  There's an announcement for KDE
> 1.1.1 today!

Well, let's see if it's for real this time... :-) And thanks for the info.

> -- 
> Steve Philp


"Anybody complaining about a copyright license is a whiner." 
(Linus Torvalds)
 Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
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