On Sam, 15 Mai 1999, you wrote: / Am Sam, 15 Mai 1999 schrieben Sie:
> >Hm, the S3 chipset is commonly known to be very reliable under X. I am
> >still suspecting there is something odd about the AGP implementation
> >because I get complete freezes with my Matrox G200 AGP card from time to
> >time, too.
> >Haven't that investigated until now, though. Maybe you should go to
> >www.dejanews.com and do a search like 'linux & Virge'. Or go at the XFree
> >main site (www.xfree86.org) and have a look at what they have over there.
> >
> >tom
>    Try turning the 2x or 4x agp mode off in your bios and see if that
> helps. You might also try turning down the agp aperature down some.

Thanks a lot! I will try that.



> Aaron Winters, Electronic Imaging Manager.
> Garner Printing, http://camalott.com/~garner
"While the NT Testanlage an intensive Tuning experienced by Microsoft
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