
After having tried M6 for some hours today, I have to make some

Please, don't be offended, especially you guys at M. I know you put a lot
of work in this release and I thank you for that. Anyway, just saying "Oh,
great" won't help anybody. 

Ok, let's go.

First of all, I encountered no really big errors. Even not the dreaded
'failing to unmount root device at shutdown'. Keys work great. I like the
new vi bindings.

This is how I proceeded. I first made a vanilla install with almost
everything (just to have a look at KDE and GNOME), then I did a real life
(well, as far as I am concerned ;-) installation: no KDE, no GNOME, no
window managers (compiled Window Maker 0.6 myself), mainly lots of
documentation and development stuff.


- glitch: using german install I was not able to see the number after 'size
of system' in the package selection screen.

- suggestion: it should be possible to deselect packages in the failed
dependencies screen after selection, instead of either accepting to having
the missing ones installed or being forced to go back to package selection
and deselect them manually.

- suggestion: the message 'please remove booting media' should be changed
to 'please don't forget to remove booting media after shutdown', since if
you are installing via a bootable CD, that media can't be removed right
away because it is mounted


- suggestion: the 100 dpi fonts should be marked for installation by
default. Many people use big screens now on which 75 dpi fonts look like an
optician's eye test.

- suggestion: Xconfigurator should put the 100dpi fonts *in front of* the
75 dpi fonts. The other way round makes no sense to me.

- glitch: system.fvwm2rc has two invalid entries: the values for the
show/don't show list and the value for FvwmIconMan sort.

- bug (?): I was able to shutdown the system as a normal user from the kdm
login screen. Comfortable but not secure.

- glitch: I encountered that 'cannot open display' error for the first
time. If the xhost setting is required why not put it in xinitrc by


- glitch: the entries for inittab are still silly. Who is running his
system at 4 o'clock in the morning? (I suggested that to Mandrake's wish
address some months ago)

- *annoying* glitch: the 'settings' in hosts.allow and hosts.deny. Is there
any reason why not to put ALL BUT LOCAL in hosts.deny? 


- glitch: I don't understand why gnome-linuxconf now requires the
gnome-libs. It hadn't in 5.3. Looks like I will have to compile it myself.

- glitch: rxvt man page doesn't get installed in 'man1' but is in

- glitch: mc has a 7 bit display by default. iso1 would be better.

That's all for now (so far ;-).



"Everybody is someone else's newbie." (Marilyn Manson, edited)
Thomas 'Tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] No UCE. No spam. 'nuff said.
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