On Thu, 24 Jun 1999, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

> Hi,
> I posted this problem before. Seems that either nobody had a
> solution or my description of the problem was unsufficient.
> Problem:
> Dialling out with ISDN to ISP.
> Setup of the card (FritzClassic) is ok.
> I set up ISDN via a script (rc.isdn) which is started at the end
> of rc.sysinit.
> At boottime I get messages that inicate that the driver is
> installed:
> ------------------------------------------------------
> In /var/log/messages I see that I get connected, login is ok:
> kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected
> ipppd[1314]: Remote message: Login Succeeded
> but then ISP sends request for ppp and my box doesn't answer.
> After 30 sec I get a 
> ipppd[1314]: IPCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> That's it.
> Anyone have an idea?
> Wolfgang
> -- 
> Linux Mandrake's Home: http://www.linux-mandrake.com
> Mandrake Answers:  http://home.knUUt.de/tom.be/faq.html

 Don't have idsn however the IPCP chatter would be helpful

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