Rich Bendorf wrote:
> I just upgraded to the kernel 2.2.9-27mdk from kernel 2.2.9-19mdk and now
> have a non-functioning zip drive.  The system boots up to the new kernel
> with no problems and everything else works except my scsi support.  I have
> checked the lilo.conf and it seems ok , but cfdisk will not bring up any
> scsi devices including the scsi zip drive.  I get a modules dependency error
> something to do with "insmod driver".  Any suggestions?

To get scsi support working with a new kernel (this includes zip drives)
you have to have an initrd image. Use the utility mkinitrd.

Sheldon Lee Wen [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nortelnetworks Ottawa Canada
Skyeast CSA
"Superstition is a word the ignorant use to describe their ignorance."
  -- Sifu.

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