
I installed Linux-Mandrake and Red Hat , version 6.0 as soon as they were
released.  I partitioned my hard drives with both Disk Druid and Fdisk and
received the same results.  All I got was a small boot partition and
everthing else dumped into over eight (8) GB of an extended partition with
multiple logical drives.  This is not what I ordered.  I wanted to have
three(3) primary partitions and one extended partition, into which I would
create as many logical drives as I saw fit for my installation.

I came to linux over a year ago because I tried to install a sound card in
Windoz 98 at IRQ 5 and DMA 1 and 5, and some son-of-a-bitch in Redmond WA had
decided that I could not use those settings.

In previous versions of Red Hat, Mandrake and SuSe I had no problem
partitioning the HD any way I chose.  What gives??  Do we have a case of
"WE KNOW BETTER" or is there a reasonable explanation?

Is Linux going the way of MickeySoft?  Or is this just Red Hat and Mandrake?

Perhaps someone who makes these decisions can reply?


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