I am running LM 6 with the kenel that was installed at at install. All
is working but if things are the same as they were in LM 5.2 I can save
some memory by compiling my own kernel. I have only used a monolithic
kernel and copied it to a floppy to boot from as lilo would always hang on
my old system. I have got a new system and lilo is working fine now. With
lilo I can boot from more than 1 kernel if the new kernel has a problem
(never done anything with lilo either so tips about that would be helpfull
also). If I use a kernel with modules what happens to the modules for the
old kernel after I make the new ones? If it overwrites the old modules what
will happen to the old kernel when and if I try to use it? I want to use a
monolithic kernel but (I don't remember who) said that they could not get a
2.2.X kernel to compile without modules.

Aaron Winters, Electronic Imaging Manager.
Garner Printing, http://camalott.com/~garner

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