/usr/bin/linux_logo -c -n -f > /etc/issue

called in /etc/rc.d/rc.local

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Linux Happy User wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I recently upgraded my good-old PC from RedHat 6 to
> Mandrake 6. Fortunately, little of my previous config was modified and i
> kept much of the important files i had. Due to the good feeling i got
> from the Mandrake's distro, i also re-installed from the same Mandrake
> CD another machine at work.
> It came to my surprise that the machine at work now presents a cool logo
> before the 'login' prompt on console session, although my own pece
> doesn't. I suspect that's because on my machine, i kept all the startup
> scripts, (/etc/rc.d/*) and that there's one program started on the
> cool-logo machine that's not started on my machine (I know that's not a
> 'dynmical' since i copied the '/etc/issue' file from work to home,
> getting on my machine a prompt with indications from the other machine,
> so i suppose that file is generated at startup).
> Could anyone point me to the program that generates the cool Mandrake
> logo. On my machine, the 'issue' file is rewritten every 5 minutes with
> a cron shell in order to show some information (such as the tty, the
> machine load, its uptime and similar stuff), so my ultimate hope is to
> be able to modify / regenerate that 'issue-with-logo' with the
> information i put in it previously with a coloured pinguin as a bonus.
> Greetings
> Didier

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