Title: A PLIP problem

Dear Experts!

I try to make a PLIP connection between two Linuxes. I already browsed through mailing-list archives, found a PLIP mini-HOWTO and try to do what's written there.

Computer "one" is pentuim with Mandrake 6.0, computer "two" is 486 with RedHat 5.2.

The problem is on the Mandrake side, I can't load plip module:

[root@one tima]# /sbin/route add -net netmask dev plip1
SIOCADDRT: No such device

[root@one tima]# insmod plip
/lib/modules/2.2.9-27mdk/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

The kernel is 2.2.9-27mdk from rpm, without recompilation.

What's wrong?
Thank you very much for any advice.

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