> Did you try Deja.com ?
> Especially this one:
> http://www.deja.com/getdoc.xp?AN=510918499&fmt=text
> Jacques

Yes but everybody point to a source patch that you should compile in the
kernel.  But to do so you first need to install Linux in some way !
The Ultra-DMA Mini-HOWTO
explains how to first install the kernel by passing ide arguments
(obtained by doing a "cat /proc/pci" at boot time) directly to it.  However they
don't describe the specific hpt366 chipset which information comes in two
sections not in one, as in the Promise 33 example:
    RAID bus interface: Promise Technology Unknown device (rev 1).
            Vendor id=105a. Device id=4d33.
            Medium devsel.  IRQ 12.  Master Capable.  Latency=32.
            I/O at 0xe000.   (a)
            I/O at 0xd804.   (b)
            I/O at 0xd400.   (c)
            I/O at 0xd004.   (d)
            I/O at 0xc800.   (e)

      and pass "ide2=a,b+2 ide3=c,d+2" as a command line parameter to the kernel.

Promise 33 exemple would work with the command line: 
 # linux ide2=0xe000,0xd86 ide3=0xd400,0xd006

However with the HPT366 chipset the information goes as follows:

  Bus 0, device 19, function 0:
  Unknown mass storage controller: Triones Technologies, Inc. Unknown device (rev 1)
    Vendor id= 1103. Device id=4
    Medium devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  Latency=120. Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
    I/O at 0xb000 [0xb001].
    I/O at 0xb400 [0xb401].
    I/O at 0xb800 [0xb801].
  Bus 0, device 19, function 1:
  Unknown mass storage controller: Triones Technologies, Inc. Unknown device (rev 1)
    Vendor id= 1103. Device id=4
    Medium devsel.  IRQ 11.  Master Capable.  Latency=120. Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=8.
    I/O at 0xbc00 [0xbc01].
    I/O at 0xc000 [0xc001].
    I/O at 0xc400 [0xc401].

So I have tried to use the 2 first entries of the two HPT366 in place of 
the 4 first I/O entries of the Promise 33, generating the command line:
 # linux ide2=0xb000,0xb402 ide3=0xbc00,0xc004  

My HD being connect as master on the first ATA/66 connector, I tried whitout
the ide3 argument as well. Both generate the same effect. When the kernel boot,
the last lines it sends to the console are:

  PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
  PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
      ide0: BM=DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:pio
      ide1: BM=DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:pio
  hdb: MATSHITA CR-586, ATAPI CDROM drive
  ide0 at 0x1f0-0xif7, 0x3f6 on irq 14

then, it freezes and I have to reboot.  The MATSHITA CDROM and FIREBALL HD are
the proper drives at the proper location.

So what's is that confusion with ide0?

HELP !!?!?

François Desloges
Dir. Technology

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