At 21:55 12/08/99 -0700, you wrote:
>actiontech makes an internal pci modem that is compatible
>with linux. if you cant find one locally email me and I will
>get you one. And yes it has its own processor and its not
>a win modem. they run about 100$

Thanks for the reply. I've just been through their website and the
only pci modem I could see was pnp, no jumpers and came with
a widows .inf file. Smells like a winmodem. Do you know of the
model number?


>On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, you wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>      Anyone heard of a Linux compatible PCI modem? 
>> I'm kitting out a 2u rack system  and there are no ISA slots available. 
>> (I'd rather not use an external device, but....)
>> ttfn
>> nick@nexnix

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