Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:
> Andrew Mitchell wrote:
> >
> > I've just got a voodoo2 card tonight, and i'm trying to get Mesa to use
> > my card. Games like GLQuake and Q3test use it fine, as they have their
> > own pre-compiled libraries. I've downloaded the Mesa 3.0 source, but
> > compilation fails when I try 'make linux-glide' or 'make
> > linu-386-opt-V2-glide'. The installation of the Device-3DFX rpm went ok
> > (it didn't on another machine), but Mesa doesn't compile. Can anyone
> > help?
> Did you grab the Glide-SDK rpm from their web site? I found that you
> need it to compile most programs that use it.
> Also, what are your compile time errors?
> Post the output and I'll see if anything immediately comes to mind.
> Sheldon.
> --
> ==============================================================================
> Sheldon Lee Wen
> #include <disclaimer.h>
>   "My opinions are not necessarily those of my employer"
> ==============================================================================
No, I hadn't grabbed the SDK yet, but here's the URL for the results of
trying to build without the SDK. It's not too readable, because of the
stupid server (or probably stupid me :) but here it is:

|             Andrew Mitchell                       |
| Email       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |
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| ICQ         11392490 (ajmitch)                    |

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