> check out Olivetti Research Labs, now owned by AT&T.  it used to be at
> www.orl.co.uk, and look at their vncviewer, released under GPL. 

It's now owned by AT&T, obtainable at:

> It may work better for pushing images across a skinny connection.

I have a 10baseT net at work with Linux/diald running the modem.  I use VNC to
send a Quickbooks/NT screen over to a Linux (RH5.2) box. Quite responsive, but
some of the QB data entry boxes won't work over the connection.  I haven't done
much experimenting with the settings,  this may fix it.

IE4 on NT over the VNC connection will browse the web much more 
quickly NS on Linux directly on the host.  Even Slashdot runs quickly
on IE like this (haha, just kidding, folks).

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