Hmm....just remember that the boot drive is going to be IDE and the 10 GB
(Which only DETECTED as 8.5 GB!) is SCSI. Perhaps I should make the /boot
about 10-15 megs and another 50 megs of swap space and then the rest of the
IDE for /home and almost the entire SCSI drive (minus another 50 mb for
SWAP) as / ??? (I'm probably going to be the only user on the system,
although I *may* turn it into a web/ftp mirror for another site, just for
the experience.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Vincent Danen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 1999 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Partition plan on a 10GB SCSI?

> On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 01:23:05 -0400, Brett Jones wrote:
> I'd use 10-15MB for /boot and throw the rest of the 10GB to /... that way
> don't have to worry about any limits in sizes or repartitioning if I run
> short of space somewhere...
> >Thats a ton of space for /. What are you going to use the box for? If it
> >my sys and it's just a general use box, this is what I would do.
> >
> >850 meg drive
> >/boot 25-30 megs
> >/temp 500
> >/var bal
> >
> >10 gig
> >/ 800 meg (more than needed, but it's a big drive)
> >/usr 1500 meg
> >/home bal
> >
> >This is what I would do today, tomorrow I might have a different answer.
> >possibilities are huge with partitioning.
> Vincent Danen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) . ICQ: 16978834
> BBBS/LiI . Internet Rex for Linux Beta
> Stronghold Enterprises/X BBS .
> Telnet:// . Weblogin-
> PGP Public Key Fingerprint: 0D78 A158 03AF 127D  9E08 880B 719A DCB1

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