John Connell wrote:
> Reza Samadi wrote:
> > John Connell wrote:
> > >
> > > Can anyone tell me which files in Netscape contain the "Personal Bookmarks"
> > > and the "Address Book?"
> > > I found "bookmark.html" it had everything except the "personal" ones. I just
> > > want to back them up so as not to have to go through the *big* hassle of
> > > redoing them if/when I have to do a reinstall! TIA!
> > > John
> >
> > Hello
> > the adress book is contained by the file ~/.netscape/
> > but I don't konw any thins about the Personal Bookmars,
> > the ~/.netscape/bookmark.html contains all my favorites links.
>      I have looked for to no avail! pab.na2 is the closest thing I
> could find.

The .nab files are nasty binary things.  It would be safer for you to
export your address book to a .ldif text file and reimport that once
you've upgraded.

Communicator Menu -> Address Book... -> File -> Export

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