Indeed x11amp works very fine...The kernel is 2.2.9-27 (found in login
        Hello ,
        Which type of kernel have you got ??? 
        The basic kernel include with the Mandrake 6 ( 2.2.9 ) .

        For x11amp , have a look on XMMS web site , the version include
        with Mandrake 6 have some bugs ( because beta ), Upgrade to the last
        It works fine. 

        Marc Mourier wrote

        Hello there!
        Speaking about core dumps...I notice a core dump in root every time
i boot
        up. it seems that the kaudioserver is having troubles at that time
        it is correctly working after that when i use x11amp for
instance...or may
        be am i mistaken on this point and the later doesn't use
        one knows about that?..

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