Change the sound card to use another IRQ.  That's about it.

"Stout, Wayne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> Greetings, all.
> I've kinda hit a brick wall with my latest installation of Mandrake 6.0.
> I've got a hunch as to what might have caused it, but no clue on how to fix
> it.
> A bit of background. I had Mandrake 6 running dual boot with Win98 on this
> machine earlier. I added a hard drive, put Win98 2nd edition on one
> drive(2.1 gig), and re-partitioned my other drive (4.3 gig) to run solely
> linux. 
> Here's where the weird part comes in. My network card (3com 3c509) and my
> sound card (SB16 genuine, not a clone) refuse to get along now. My hunch is,
> when I installed 98 (I did this first, since I've heard of problems if done
> the other way around), the Plug & Pray set the hardware up with different
> values that they had originally. Linux wants to use IRQ 10 for the network
> card, which of course is the IRQ that the sound card wants.
> I've tried tinkering with the isapnp.conf file, setting the sound card to
> use different i/o and irq settings, all to no avail. I've tried compiling
> the parameters into the kernel, still no go. I can't seem to get the network
> card to let go of the IRQ10. Anyone know what file this is stored in during
> the setup phase? Or is this something that might actually be rooted in the
> Thanks in advance for any and all help.
> Wayne

       Jefe de operaciones
       Alpha Omega Creative Solutions

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