Mr. Aldrich;

If you find this sugarplum program to be effective, please relay the
information to the mailing list or me directly.   Where is it available
from?  I am very interested for exactly the same reasons.  There will never
be any effective legislation against unsolicited email, therefore it is up
to responsible sysadmins to protect themselves.  Unleash the Jihad! ;)

Jason S. Antonacci
Computer Support Specialist IV
Univ. of Georgia - Savannah River Ecology Lab
Office: 803.725.5894
Mobile: 706.373.0821

>>> John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 29 Aug 99 10:56:53 >>>
I was browsing on Linuxberg and found a couple neat-sounding
programs, one called "Ricochet" and another called "Sugarplum."
Ricochet is supposed to bounce SPAM messages back to their original
sender and Sugarplum is supposed to (somehow...haven't looked at the
doco yet <G>) "poison" SPAMMer databases with so much bogus info that
the databases are either useless or are discarded.

Anyone used either of these???? Has anyone out there got something
better??? I've become quite adept at tracking down the original
SPAMMER's ISP and getting them booted (many use Hotbot or one of the
other "free" email services, so I guess it's no big loss to them!)
OTOH, if they're using Hotbot or, I'd love to poison their
databases to they have to go out and spend MORE money for new
databases that I can further poison! <G> I want to make it too
expensive for these a-holes to continue spamming! <Evil Grin>


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