Tom Gwilt wrote:
> The problem with a 100M root partition is found in one of two places:
> /usr
> /var

Okay, I have a separate /usr partition with several gb left over so
that isn't my problem. I did follow someone else's suggestion and
deleted old logs from /var and got back 6mb so that my system would
at least work again. Is there that much more in /var that it could be
the cause of my problem all by itself?

> The advice of one big partition and one small partition is, IMHO, pretty
> wise.

Next time I start over completely I will remember that advice, in the
meantime I'm hoping to free up enough space to perform the Mandrake
Bugfix updates and avoid completely rebuilding everything for another
month or two until there is a big enough release to justify the pain.

Thanks for the suggestions.

> My own personal preferences are (based on a 5 G Hard Drive)
> /      -----> 70MB
> /usr   -----> 1024MB (This gives me a lot of room for /usr/local,
> /usr/contrib, etc)
> /var   -----> 50MB (This is merely a home machine, so this is probably
> overkill)
> /opt   -----> 2048MB (Many installers look for this partition. I also
> use it for downloads)
> /home  -----> 2048 MB
> swap   -----> Religious wars have erupted from this one. I have 256MB of
> RAM and use about a 32 MB swap.
> T.

Traci Collins, MA
Professor of Computer Education
Colorado Mountain College

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