On Sat, 18 Sep 1999, Arthur wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Sep 1999 17:14:16 +0000, Brian Millar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >1. Is there any possible way to fix the fonts in netscape?? What is up
> >the .3 micron fontsize on web pages when using netscape in linux????.
> Edit -> Preferences -> Fonts
> Change:
>    variable width font -> Utopia (Adobe)   Size 18.0
>    fixed width font ->                     Size 12.0
> Select:
>    Use my default fonts, overriding document specified fonts
> >I'm almost ready to go back to winblows just so i can surf the web
> >again. Can anyone recommend another browser??
> No need for another one.
> Netscape works well with most sites after the above changes.  With
> some sites, "allow scaling" helps, but with others it does not.  You
> can experiment with that setting.  It's on the same config page in
> Netscape.

Why does it work properly in windows... ??

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