I since traced the problem to an error inside the .emacs file, seems that when
it encounters such the customization/initialization just dies with an error
message and no more parsing. Deleting the old .emacs (from pre-venus times) and
starting anew the configuration fixed the thing.

Le sam, 18 sep 1999, Mike Fieschko a écrit :
>>>> "Max" == Max Klohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    Max> Hi, Anyone got an idea why xemacs does save its
>    Max> customizations in an .emacs file, but utterly fails to read
>    Max> from it when it is started the next time?
>Well, mine does.  And if I make changes to .emacs and want the changes 
>to take effect without closing and restarting xemacs, I use M-x

thanks for the tip

>What changes to .emacs are you trying?  What version xemacs?

the one that comes with venus, of course

>Are you certain that changes have been made to .emacs?

definitely (btw if you make the same change repeatedly it keeps adding it to the

>It makes a nice mail and news reader, with vm and gnus, respectively.



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