>On Mon, 04 Oct 1999, you wrote:
>> Does MDK 6.0 support dual monitors? If not is there an update to XFree
>> to support them? If it does not support it can I still have 2 video cards (
>> for Photoshop, Illustrator pallets)? If so how does XFree decide which card
>> to use?
>IIRC, X does not yet support dual-headed monitors. If you
>want multi-head support, you can purchase Accelrated-X from
>Xi Graphics (www.xig.com)
>       John

   Does anyone know what will happen if I add another card in my system to
use dual under Win98. Will X still use the same card? Does it use the first
one it finds? If so how does it look for them?

Aaron Winters, Electronic Imaging Manager.
Garner Printing, http://camalott.com/~garner

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