On Tue, Oct 05, 1999 at 03:12:09AM +0000, Stephen Carville wrote:
> The telnet update from mandrake may be broken.  When I installed it on
> my workstation at work (using the update program) it only installed
> the client.  The server in.telentd was not installed.
> Since an update normally uninstalls the old rpm, this could be a bit
> of a problem if you need telnet access to a machine.

The telnet package has been splitted :
- telnet-0.12-10mdk.i586.rpm
- telnet-server-0.12-10mdk.i586.rpm

You have to install the telnet-server package to get the server back.

- Dis donc, Cortex, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire cette nuit?
- La même chose que chaque nuit, Minus: tenter de conquerir le monde!
  (choeurs) C'est Minus et Cortex, Cortex, Cortex.

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