I just had a fun time getting AppleTalk to work. Here's some stuff I went
through. Maybe somebody can learn from it or tell me what I did wrong.

I compiled from the netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3 source. I compiled
the appletalk ddp as a module, since last i heard you had to reboot the machine
to reset atalkd, unless ddp was a module (in which case you can just
drop it and then load it again). make install addes /etc/rc.d/init.d/atalk and
/etc/rc.d/init.d/atalk.init. atalk just calls atalk.init. problem is that on
boot, atalk.init is executed in the background, so afpd (the server daemon)
doesn't load properly. fix for me, remove the '&' from atalk so atalk.init is
executed in the foreground and everything loads properly.

anybody know of other fixes for getting evrything running right? do the
rpm's work fine? anybody tried an rpm when appletalk ddp is a module?

has anybody used afpfs to mount macos8? i'll probably run into trouble

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